Tell your story in your own words, with a KOR Communications podcast

Story telling is as old as history.

But finding new ways to get across interesting and important messages has become ever more challenging as our lives get busier.

Podcasts are the 21st century way of listening to what our grandparents called the wireless – but they deliver entertainment and information in a way that reaches both new and traditional audiences at their convenience.

KOR Communications has launched a new podcasting production service for rural business and landed estates who will all have important and interesting stories to tell.

Led by rural affairs specialist and former broadcaster Anna Byles, KOR can produce high quality podcasts for clients that will enhance their reputation and get their key messages across in an accessible and entertaining way.

Anna said: “People are increasingly time-poor, so podcasts are a really good way for people to be engaged while doing something else. Whether that is driving, doing the housework or sitting at their desk, working, they can be entertained and informed at the same time.”

The statistics on the rise of the podcast are impressive. At the London Podcast Show in May, researchers Edison reported that approaching one-third of the UK population now listens to podcasts every week.

No one knows a rural business better than the people who work in it and podcasts provide a unique opportunity for estate owners and land managers to tell their own stories, with the support of experts in communication.

Anna, who was in broadcasting for 18 years, most of it with the BBC, worked with the Pineapple Estate in Dorset on a series of podcasts about the diversification of their business.

She said: “The experience for the listener should be like eavesdropping on a really fascinating conversation. The Pineapple Estate have such a great story to tell about developing a sustainable rural business and I think that really comes across with the topics we chose to cover in this series.”

“I hope that landed estates can see the value of making the very best use of this new way of telling their story, promoting their key messages and talking to their communities and the wider world.”

If you would like to discuss the opportunity for your estate or business to have its own podcast, please contact:


Listen to our podcast with the Pineapple Estate here:

The Pineapple Estate said:


“We were excited but nervous to create a podcast, as we didn’t really know what the process would involve. But as soon as we had a planning meeting with Anna, we felt reassured.


“What impressed us most, was Anna’s ability to adjust and work to our tone of voice. She thoroughly researched our brand early on, meaning when we came to discussing our key business messages and tone of voice, she completely understood our approach. This made the process quick, efficient, and collaborative as we spent less time discussing what our brand is and more time discussing how to achieve our goals with the podcast.

This initial meeting led us to feel confident in Anna’s ability and how the project would be executed. Meaning, when Anna came to the Estate, we felt really relaxed – it was like chatting to a friend.


“She clearly understands the sector and that shared knowledge meant we felt comfortable sharing freely. We had the microphones clipped to us and just walked and talked! We are really happy with the series and how it tells the story of our Estate and shares the ethos of our work.”


The declining interest in news and how we can help keep your stories in the public eye.


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