
Maintaining public support as farmers diversify
Blog Jake Newman Blog Jake Newman

Maintaining public support as farmers diversify

As the nation marks Back British Farming Day this month (Wednesday Sept 11) all would seem to be well in the world of agriculture. Happy customers, after all, mean happy businesses.

Yet anyone who farms will tell you that is not the case. All is not well. Farm incomes are down, farm confidence has crashed and while the new Labour government has outlined broad support for farming, external factors - from Brexit to extreme weather - are impacting on the sector as almost never before.

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There’s more to housebuilders than just building and selling homes: why developers need to be talking about the whole housebuilding operation
Blog Jake Newman Blog Jake Newman

There’s more to housebuilders than just building and selling homes: why developers need to be talking about the whole housebuilding operation

Specialist PR and communications for housebuilders might not seem, at first sight, to be a top priority

Yet strategic communications, delivered consistently throughout the whole housebuilding operation are key to educating, engaging and enticing target audiences, as well as meeting business objectives.

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Communicating the benefits of renewable energy
Blog Jake Newman Blog Jake Newman

Communicating the benefits of renewable energy

Landowners have, over centuries, played their part in powering Britain, from providing the sites for coal mines to growing timber and operating windmills and water wheels.

In more recent years, however, the centralisation of energy generation and its distribution across the country has distanced much of rural Britain from the business of producing the power we all need…

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Labour Manifesto – Let’s get building
Blog Jake Newman Blog Jake Newman

Labour Manifesto – Let’s get building

It’s no accident that, just hours after the Labour Party unveiled its election manifesto, with big plans to fast-track planning applications and build 1.5 million new homes over five years, it also issued a pledge to preserve the countryside.

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Landowners have a big part to play in meeting green energy needs.
Blog Jake Newman Blog Jake Newman

Landowners have a big part to play in meeting green energy needs.

The way we use the land is changing and many landowners, including the owners and managers of large rural estates, are providing the sites to help society adapt to new challenges.

From developments in agriculture, to the provision of residential and commercial premises, the role of landowners in matching their sustainable business models to the demands of a changing world are well-documented.

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The root of Plymouth’s problems
Blog Jake Newman Blog Jake Newman

The root of Plymouth’s problems

As media coverage of the Plymouth city centre tree felling row enters its third day, I’m astonished that the City Council continues to “steadfastly refuse to give interviews.” (Amal Rajan’s words on Radio 4 this morning).

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